Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days and Snow Ice Cream

You can't let the blizzard of the decade go by without making some snow ice cream! 

All you need!
1 - Gallon packed snow
2 1/2 - cups milk (I used evaporated milk)
1 - cup sugar
1 - TB vanilla (I used 1/2TB regular vanilla & 1/2 TB french vanilla)

Mix together sugar and milk.

Add the vanilla.

Dump your snow in a BIG mixing bowl, preferrably stainless steel so it doesn't melt too quickly. If you don't have stainless steel, just do it fast! :)

Pour in your milk mixture, and stir it really well. You might think for a minute that you don't have enough liquid, but you do; just keep at will feel it in your arm!

Top it with whatever you like and there you have it. If you want chocolate ice cream, use chocolate milk. If only one person wants chocolate ice cream, give them a packet of dry hot chocolate to mix in theirs, it's yummy that way too. Enjoy!




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