Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spring Creek Tea Room - Ozark, Missouri

Saturday was a wonderful day in Springfield.  It was the first weekend we didn't have too much snow on the roads to get around, and EVERYONE was out on the town.  It reminded me of black Friday, really, there was a LOT of people out...and I loved it!

To me, it was the perfect day to drive over to Ozark and eat at Spring Creek Tea Room.  I hadn't been there since the end of summer, and that's way too long. It didn't take much to convince Mr. NOM to have lunch at the Tea Room with me, he's been there before - once - and was more than ready to go back.   

When we arrived, there was a 20 minute wait.  No problem, they are inside an antique store with plenty of booths to keep you busy for at least an hour, so 20 minutes is nothing.  We browsed around a little, and before we knew it, they were calling our name over the loud speaker.

I already knew what I was going to eat before we even got there, but the soup and teas are different on a daily basis.  I ordered the Veggie Sandwich on marble rye bread with the soup and tea of the day which was Creamy Spinach and Bacon and Mango tea. 
Mr. NOM ordered the Chicken Salad sandwich with the soup and tea of the day - we already knew we were going to swap halves of our sandwiches so we could each have some of both, of course!

The waitress asked if we wanted any dessert right off the bat.  She said they had one piece of Pumpkin Apple Cake left and that was IT...they were completely sold out of all other desserts.  Now, I want you to take a look at the picture above and notice all the desserts listed - and the list was even longer than the picture shows.  That should tell you their desserts are Uh-mazing.  Uh-mazing.  YES, we do want the last piece of cake - and so we shared it - and that was hard. 

If you ever get the opportunity to eat here, and they have the Cherry Crunch Cake on the menu, order it.  If you see someone get the last piece, approach them and offer money for it, lots of money.  This cake is so good!!  I found out you can order whole cakes from them, so I ordered the Cherry Crunch Cake one time, just so I could have as much of it as I wanted...and I didn't regret it one bit.  And don't judge me - not until you've tried it - and I did share with the ones I love.  Very few. 

The soup of the day made me speechless on the first bite, I don't really remember what all happened after that bite.  I just remember saying, "This is so good" several times and switching back and forth between my sandwich and soup.  They also give you a huge handful of plain chips on the side, and I don't usually eat chips, so it was a nice change to feel the crunch of fried potato chips in my mouth.

They are extremely busy every day, so get there early and maybe they will still have everything on the menu, because once it's gone, it's gone.   



Susan of Pink Portuguese Roses said...

Just curious... What are their prices like?

nomnomspringfield said...

Their prices are great! A person could get a full sandwich with soup, chips, and a drink plus one of their delicious desserts for around $10.


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